Conservation Corner

Conservation Corner is a weekly article produced by the Forest County Land & Water Conservation Department.
For more information contact Kayla Littleton, County Conservationist-Land Information/GIS Director at 715-478-1387 or by e-mail at


This week, I read a Blog from Bill Gates and his thoughts about the Coronavirus.  I’ll try to summarize what he says in dealing with the ‘first modern pandemic'.   Gates begins by stating that the coronavirus pandemic pits all of humanity against the virus.  This is...

Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)

This week I’d like to present a couple funding programs that are available to Forest County Landowners.  The first program is the Environmental Quality Incentives Program or (EQIP).   The tentative application deadline for the next round of funding for this program...

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)

Lately in Wisconsin media there has been a lot of talk about PFAS.  I did some research and would like to share my findings. What are PFAS and Why are They a Problem?PFAS is a catch-all term for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, which is a group of more than 5,000...

Forest County Land Conservation Survey

Forest County Farmers and Landowners, you may have received a survey in the mail from our office at the end of 2019.  Land Conservation Technician, Cassidy Neilitz, put the survey together and has been receiving your responses.  This week, she put together a Flow...

Trail Conditions Deteriorating

The Trails are open! On Friday morning, Wirtzie, one of the 100-mile Snow Safari trail groomers, reports that trails are beautiful (for now). Langlade County trails are closing and we can probably expect the same after the rains in Forest County on Saturday. Roger...

Farmers are you aware of the cost share program?

Forest County Land Conservation Department has been working on ways to provide farmers and agriculture producers with basic information regarding state regulation which may affect their operations. A cost-share program is a method for sharing installation costs for...

Gun Deer Hunters

As you read this week’s submission, we will probably be in the midst of Wisconsin’s Gun Deer Season. Last week the DNR reported that our waterways and landscape may be treacherous because of all the fall rain we received. I reposted some of their safety tips if you...

What Does the County Conservationist Do?

Over the last couple weeks, many people have asked what is the Land & Water Conservation Department and what does it do for Forest County?  Well, if you locate the new website , you may find out.  Also, as per the Forest...

DNR Seedlings Distribution

The DNR’s reforestation program will be accepting orders starting October 7, 2019 from Wisconsin forest landowners for trees and shrubs to be planted in spring 2020. For more than 100 years, the Wisconsin DNR has provided high-quality seedlings of native...

Cost Share Program

Property Owners, are you aware of the Forest County Cost-Share Program?  This is a program administered by the Forest County Land and Water Conservation Department.  The Grant money is provided by the Wisconsin Dept. of Agriculture, Trade, & Consumer...