2023 FLOW AIS Poster Contest The FLOW AIS Program (Forest, Langlade, Marinette, & Oconto Waterways Aquatic Invasice Species Program) is seeking entries into their 2023 Invasive Species Poster Contest! Contest is open to students in grades 4-8 attending any school...
Aquatic Invasive Species News
Non-Native Invasive Species in Forest County
- Purple Loosestrife
- Garlic Mustard
- Wild Parsnip
- Common Tansy
- Buckthorn
- Japanese Knotweed
- Spotted Knapweed
- Reed Canary Grass
- Phragmites
- Japanese barberry
- Emerald Ash Borer
- Earthworms
- Jumping Worms
- Eurasian Milfoil
- Yellow Floating Heart
- Curly Leaf Pondweed
- Rusty Crayfish
- Zebra Mussels
- Spiny Water Flea
Keep Aquatic Invasive Species out of the lakes
As the last of the ice is finally gone, many people look forward to getting their boats back in the water. This also means groups will once again head to boat launches in an effort to keep Aquatic Invasive Species [AIS] out of the lakes. AIS can be determinantal to...
Emerald Ash Borer Detected in Dunn, Florence, Oconto, Pepin, Price, and Shawano Counties
The Emerald Ash Borer isn’t in Forest County yet, but they’re getting closer. As you head out to cut your winter firewood please pay attention to these invasive beetles. In partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the Wisconsin Department...
Let’s Talk About Dredging
Natural scenic beauty and erosion control are components of the State’s shoreline protection program. Riparian landowners accomplish these goals by allowing native vegetation to overtake the shore yards, slowing runoff of pollutants toward the waterbody and masking...
Invasive Species Alert : Didymo (“rock snot”)
Many thanks to the Michigan DNR for this valuable information.
Invasive Species Alert : New Zealand Mudsnail
Many thanks to the Michigan DNR for this valuable information.
Upper Peninsula Invasives Council Newsletter
Thanks to Emily Anderson, WRISC Project Manager, for sharing the UPIC January/February 2016 eNews. Please click on the newsletter image to read the full newsletter.
High School Environmental Day a Success
Forest County Association of Lakes (FCAL) sponsored an environmental day for high school students Sept. 15 at Veteran’s Memorial Park on Lake Metonga. Cindy Edlund from Crandon High School, Steve Kircher from Laona and John Twardowski and their science classes...
Deadly Fish Disease Could Cause Mass Die-Offs In Lake Winnebago, Researchers Say
By Samantha Mathewson Oct 25, 2015 09:54 PM EDT What causes freshwater fish to develop red splotches and swollen, bulging eyes? Researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison discovered that a deadly disease known as viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus, or VHSv,...
A Zebra mussel sniffing dog!
From John Preuss... A busy sumer on Minnesota’s lakes and rivers the spread of zebra mussels. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources reports they found zebra mussels in at least eight new lakes this summer. Whether you’re launching or leaving the water, the...