The Forest County Land & Water Department wrapped up another successful Plant Sale on Friday, June 2nd .  Native plant orders went out in February and plants were ordered from Hansen’s Greenhouse in Oneida County.  In all about a dozen pre-orders were received.  The plants ranged from native columbine, cardinal flowers to thimble berries.

Plants were picked up on Thursday, June 1st  and were very healthy looking.  On Friday, Land & Water set up by the tank in the Forest County Courthouse Square and by 3pm all plant orders were picked up.

Pictured  Steve Kircher Forest County Land Water Lindsay Peterson Wild Rivers Invasive Species Coalition

Also on Friday, June 2nd, we worked with the Wild Rivers Invasive Species Coalition (WRISC) on an Invasive Species Trade Up Day.  Lindsay Peterson (pictured above) and I exchanged native plants for three or four people that brought in invasive species.

The Land & Water Department would like to thank everyone that ordered and picked up plants.  The proceeds from the sale will go toward providing scholarships for local students to attend Conservation camps in the Summer.


Conservation Corner is a weekly article produced by the Forest County Land & Water Conservation Department. For more information contact Steve Kircher, County Conservationist-Land Information/GIS Director at 715-478-1387 or by e-mail at .