Safeguarding Wisconsin Turtles

Last week, on a trip to the Fox Valley, I saw a smashed Snapping Turtle on the highway.  It reminded me that we’re in ‘Turtle Crossing’ season.  Wisconsin, known for its abundant wildlife and diverse ecosystems, is home to several species of turtles. These remarkable reptiles play a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance of wetlands and other habitats. However, the increasing number of road incidents involving turtles poses a significant threat to their survival. It is crucial to implement measures that protect Wisconsin turtles while they navigate the challenges of road crossings.

Turtles in Wisconsin contribute to the state’s biodiversity and ecological health. They aid in controlling populations of insects and small vertebrates, maintain healthy aquatic ecosystems, and serve as indicators of environmental quality. Wisconsin is home to various turtle species, including the painted turtle, snapping turtle, and Blanding’s turtle, each with its unique characteristics and conservation needs. Protecting these reptiles from road hazards is essential to maintain healthy populations and preserve the state’s natural heritage.

Turtles are particularly vulnerable to road incidents due to their slow-moving nature and the fragmentation of their habitats caused by road infrastructure. The following factors contribute to their heightened risks:

Habitat Fragmentation: Roads dissect turtle habitats, restricting their movements and access to essential resources, such as nesting sites, foraging areas, and overwintering locations.

Vehicle Collisions: Turtles often traverse roads to find suitable nesting sites or seek new habitats. Their slow movement and low profiles make them prone to vehicle collisions, resulting in severe injuries or fatalities.

Nesting Disruption: Female turtles travel long distances to lay their eggs, and roads can impede this critical process. Disturbed nesting activities can result in reduced reproductive success and ultimately impact population numbers.

     Protective Measures for Wisconsin Turtles:

To ensure the conservation of Wisconsin turtles and reduce the risks they face while crossing roads, several measures can be implemented:

  1. Road Signage and Awareness Campaigns: Installing “Turtle Crossing” signs in known turtle crossing areas can alert motorists to be cautious and slow down. Coupled with public awareness campaigns, these initiatives can educate the community about the importance of turtle conservation and responsible driving.
  2. Wildlife Underpasses and Fencing: Constructing wildlife underpasses beneath roads and installing exclusionary fencing can provide safe passage for turtles. These structures allow turtles to navigate their natural habitats without crossing roads, reducing the risks of vehicle collisions.
  3. Citizen Science and Reporting: Engaging the public through citizen science initiatives encourages individuals to report turtle sightings, roadkill incidents, and vulnerable crossing areas. This data can inform conservation efforts, helping to identify high-risk areas and implement targeted mitigation strategies.
  4. Ecological Corridor Conservation: Designating and preserving ecological corridors that connect turtle habitats can promote safe and unrestricted movement across roadways. By preserving these corridors, we enable turtles to reach critical nesting sites, foraging areas, and overwintering habitats without encountering dangerous road conditions.

Preserving Wisconsin’s turtle populations requires our efforts to protect them from the hazards of road crossings. By implementing a combination of measures such as road signage, wildlife underpasses, citizen science initiatives, and corridor conservation, we can ensure their safe passage and contribute to their long-term survival. It is our responsibility as residents and conservationists to raise awareness, and work collaboratively towards safeguarding these remarkable creatures for future generations to enjoy. Together, we can create a safer environment for Wisconsin turtles and demonstrate our commitment to preserving the state’s natural heritage.

For more information contact Steve Kircher, County Conservationist-Land Information/GIS Director at 715-478-1387 or by e-mail at

A reminder that if you preordered plants from us, they will be available for Pick-up on Friday, June 2nd 9-4pm in the Forest County Courthouse Square, near the Tank.

Conservation Corner is a weekly article produced by the Forest County Land & Water Conservation Department. For more information contact Steve Kircher, County Conservationist-Land Information/GIS Director at 715-478-1387 or by e-mail at .