PFAs Impact on Wildlife

I recently attended a meeting on PFAS and its impact on wildlife.  From bald eagles nesting near Lake Superior to mussels in the Mississippi River, scientists are increasingly studying Wisconsin wildlife for signs of the impact of ingesting the forever chemicals more...


The largest order of mammals belongs to the rodents. Rodents are known for their teeth or more specifically their gnawing. While they don’t have canine teeth, they have a single pair of incisor teeth in each jaw. These incisors never stop growing. The incisors...

World Wetlands Day

On Friday, February 2nd, we celebrate World Wetlands Day. This annual event is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of wetlands and their role in our environment. Wetlands are crucial ecosystems that provide a wide range of ecological, economic, and...

Wisconsin Salt Awareness Week

Wisconsin Salt Awareness Week, observed from January 22-26, 2024, aims to shed light on the often-overlooked consequences of excessive road salt usage in winter. While road salt is crucial for ensuring road safety during icy conditions, its environmental impact on...

What Happens to Soil in Winter?

The soil under your feet is still teeming with life, even in the frozen temperatures of winter.  Soil is essential to life. One reason is that soil protects plant roots, animals, and microbes from freezing in the winter. As air temperatures drop below 32° F, water...

DNR News Release: PFAs Grant

New PFAs Grant Program for Small Public Water Systems Opens in 2024  The WDNR has announced the opening of a new grant program in 2024 that will help Other-Than-Municipal Community and nonprofit, Non-Transient...