Downy vs Hairy Woodpecker

Conservation Corner Conservation Corner is a weekly article produced by the Forest County Land &Water Conservation Department. For more information contact Steve Kircher, County Conservationist-Land Information/GIS Director at 715-478-1387 or by e-mail at...
Wildlife Specialist Speaks at 2022 Annual Meeting

Wildlife Specialist Speaks at 2022 Annual Meeting

At the Annual Meeting on October 22, 2022, the Forest County Association of Lakes hosted keynote speaker Christian Cold, a retired DNR Wildlife Specialist, speaking on the topic of Wildlife Ecology and Management, with emphasis on forest and wetlands View The...

Droughts & La Niña

I read an interesting article this week about the US drought.  While drought has been a persistent problem in the western US, it’s now spread across other parts of the country that aren’t typically this dry. Nearly 60 percent of the contiguous US is experiencing...

Autumn Cleanup – Don’t be in a hurry

My wife asked me to take care of the leaves this weekend.  Again, I had to remind her that you don’t have be in a hurry to clean up every autumn leaf.  While it’s important to clean up plant debris, we can also spare a thought for the beneficial bugs and birds who...