Science students from Crandon, Laona and Wabeno high schools and FCAL environmental day instructors at Veteran’s Memorial Park on Lake Metonga.
Forest County Association of Lakes (FCAL) sponsored an environmental day for high school students Sept. 15 at Veteran’s Memorial Park on Lake Metonga. Cindy Edlund from Crandon High School, Steve Kircher from Laona and John Twardowski and their science classes attended the event.
Students learned about many environmental issues confronting resident of Forest County at seven stations throughout the park. R.T. Krueger from Northern Lakes Service put on a water quality demonstration. John Preuss discussed invasive species in the water. Emily Anderson talked about invasive species on land.
Brad Dahlquist taught students about fish and regulations on lakes and streams. Dr. Cindy Edlund demonstrated tests to determine phosphorus and nitrogen and their effects on water. Mike Prehl showed students his fish shocking boat and explained how it operates. Les Schramm and Harry Resch used a pontoon board to show the invasive Eurasian water milfoil and zebra mussels present in Lake Metonga.
Groups made up of students from each school spent around 30 minutes at each station. The weather was perfect and everyone had a great education experience.
Crandon, Laona and Wabeno High Schools should be commended for participating in this event. All of the students were a pleasure to work with and Forest County Association of Lakes hopes they gained a lot of knowledge about the environment.