The Forest County Conservation Department hosted a poster contest at the beginning of 2023. The Poster theme was “One Water”. We received about 20 posters from local students ranging from grades Kindergarten – 8th, winners (pictured below) received Certificates from the Forest County Conservation Department and Gift Cards. First Place Winners were advanced to the North Central Area Contest where Briar Fannin placed 2nd (K-1st grade) and Mason Peters placed 3rd (4-6th).

Hailey Brown, 2nd Place, 7-9th Grade, Brayden Davis-Ostenson, 3rd Place, 7-9th Grade
(Not pictured) Angel Cramer, 1st Place, 7-9th Grade
L to R: Chase Fannin, 1st place, 2-3rd grade, Briar Fannin, 1st place, K-1st grade, Zelia Spencer, 2nd Place, K-1st Grade
Brynlee Brass (Not Pictured), 3rd Place, 2-3rd Grade